Transform Your Airway, Change Your Life


Dr. Sam Zink provides dental services for infants and adults, treating tongue tie, chronic pain, TMJ / TMD, UARS, sleep apnea, and more through frenectomy, splint therapy, and optimal breathing solutions.

My Philosophy of Care



You are a unique individual of infinite worth. You deserve to be treated in a way that reflects that. I look forward to serving you as the complete and whole person that you are


I understand that choosing a new doctor can be a challenge. This can leave you with some uncertain feelings. I am writing this to share my personal beliefs about what I do for every person that I serve in this capacity. Briefly, my philosophy can be summarized like this:

My desire is to help people achieve a higher level of wellness and well-being by enhancing the appearance, comfort, function and longevity of their oral system by providing care of the highest quality each patient can accept that is consistent with their dental needs and values for oral health.

In other words, my goal is to help you become as healthy as you choose. This is a major departure from how we were trained as oral care providers. Instead of telling you what’s wrong with you and how to “fix” you, it is my intention to help you understand the causes of dental diseases and the choices you have in creating lasting dental health. When given proper information in a supportive environment, you can then make a free and informed choice about what you want for your own dental health.

The goal of great dentistry is to help you keep all of your teeth for the rest of your life in maximum health, comfort, function, and esthetics at a minimal stress and expense to you. All dentistry should support and enhance an optimal airway. I am relentlessly committed to making that a reality for every patient that enters my office. In my practice, you are a person of great value and importance. Your physical, mental, and emotional health will always be the object of my prime concern.

Excellence in dentistry begins with a careful diagnosis and development of a Master Plan to move us toward your health goals: goals that we have established together. You have unique dental needs, and we will analyze and address them together, candidly and objectively. In this way, you have complete control over the path and direction you would like to take to achieve your goals.

In my practice, I consider it far better to prevent dental diseases than to treat them after they occur. This is why we look at the causes of dental disease in this office, not simply the best means of treating their effects. A workable preventive program must always begin with accurate analysis and diagnosis. A proper examination and thorough goal setting is necessary to achieve an effective Master Plan.


Dr. Samuel Zink